Section Schedule
BUSE 674
Marketing for Entrepreneurs
In this course, students will gain an overview of, and practice in, applying marketing concepts, research methods, and creative strategies required of those launching an entrepreneurial venture.
Section Title Instructor Reg/Limit Status Hours Fees Reqmts Textbk Camp Bldg Room Dates Days Beg End
01 BrindisiJ 7 / 12 Open 3.00 $0.00   CCC HYB HYB 05/28/2024 - 07/20/2024 --T---- 6:30p 9:20p
CCC 618 903 06/04/2024 --T---- 6:30p 9:20p
CCC 618 903 06/25/2024 --T---- 6:30p 9:20p
CCC 618 903 07/16/2024 --T---- 6:30p 9:20p

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