Section Schedule
COLL 210
This course allows students to take a valuable internship experience in their desired industry for academic credit. Each position is vetted and approved byCareer Center to ensure that it is an educational opportunity that will fulfill the learning objectives of the course. Participating in an internship allows the student to gain hands-on experience and explore career interests while applying knowledge and skills learned in the classroom to a work setting. The experience also helps students gain a clearer sense of what they still need to learn and provides an opportunity to build professional networks. Students are responsible for securing their own internships and having them approved prior to registering for this course. Please contact the Career Center for assistance and resources.
Section Title Instructor Reg/Limit Status Hours Fees Reqmts Textbk Camp Bldg Room Dates Days Beg End
01 FinkelmanJ 3 / 100 Open 1.00 $0.00   CCC ARR ARR 05/28/2024 - 08/17/2024 No Set Time
02 JoyceT 3 / 100 Open 1.00 $0.00   CCC ARR ARR 05/28/2024 - 08/17/2024 No Set Time
03 HalperinJ 0 / 100 Open 1.00 $0.00   CCC ARR ARR 05/28/2024 - 08/17/2024 No Set Time
04 DanielsL 0 / 100 Open 1.00 $0.00   CCC ARR ARR 05/28/2024 - 08/17/2024 No Set Time
05 ReevesC 4 / 100 Open 1.00 $0.00   CCC ARR ARR 05/28/2024 - 08/17/2024 No Set Time
06 GuzmanG 6 / 100 Open 1.00 $0.00   CCC ARR ARR 05/28/2024 - 08/17/2024 No Set Time
07 PetersonD 3 / 100 Open 1.00 $0.00   CCC ARR ARR 05/28/2024 - 08/17/2024 No Set Time
08 DanielsL 1 / 100 Open 1.00 $0.00   CCC ARR ARR 05/28/2024 - 08/17/2024 No Set Time

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