Section Schedule
COLL 299
Topics in Creativity and Social Justice
This interdisciplinary rotating topics course explores creative practice across the breadth of disciplines offered at Columbia College Chicago and the myriad ways in which artists engage with issues of power, privilege, and justice through their work. Students will research and discuss social justice issues and artists' creative interventions, as well as how these events are shared and communicated with others. Through this engagement with artistic cultures, communities, and histories, students will respond by creating their own new creative work, analysis, and commentary. For more information, please see CCCX 200 - Creative Communities Courses.
Section Title Instructor Reg/Limit Status Hours Fees Reqmts Textbk Camp Bldg Room Dates Days Beg End
01 LGBTQ+ Social Health Equality JonesJr.D 13 / 24 Open 3.00 $0.00   CCC 618 LL01 05/28/2024 - 06/29/2024 ---W-F- 11:00a 3:30p

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